What is MiraDry?
MiraDry is the only FDA approved non-surgical treatment designed to permanently reduce underarm sweat, odor, and hair with as little as one treatment. The treatment takes about an hour. The procedure is usually reported as painless with little to no downtime and an immediate return to normal activity. Following the procedure, there may be a sensation of fullness and warmth under the arms that lasts only a few days.
Results are permanent and occur almost immediately. Clinical studies demonstrate an 80 to 85% reduction in underarm sweat with one treatment, though some people will need a second treatment. This procedure has a 90% all time “Worth It” rating according to RealSelf
If you are tired of excessive underarm sweat at inopportune times, the need for unexpected clothing changes, or ruining your outfits with sweat stains, this is the answer for you.
Body Breathes Easier
Experience an 80-85% reduction of hair, sweat and odor
Reduce Potential Use Of Toxins
Most people no longer need to use antiperspirants or deodorants
Keep Your Clothes Beautiful
You can say goodbye to sweat stains on your favorite clothes!
Go Throughout Your Day Carefree
Raise your arms with confidence that there won’t be any embarrassing spots!